Thursday, February 13, 2014


hey, readers!! :) it takes me a good thought process to decide what i usually want to write about. sometimes, i come up with good ideas in the shower, sometimes if i am up late, a lot of the time i ask my friend grace {hi queen grace👑!!}, and other times, i am just blocked. 

we all have had writer's block {and if you haven't, you can go down to hell. jk :) } and it's such a curse to have. for a blog, it doesn't really matter what you write about because you can make it your own. however, i care what my writing is about because i don't want crazy people to comment disrespectfully. like, for an example, i won't put a post about the boston red sox and how i really don't like them. even more my job as a yankees writing, i won't do that. i mean sometimes you have to praise the enemy... yay congrats to boston on taking the world series trophy back to the american league! something like that. 

sometimes i think of clever ideas and i start writing them and drafting them, just because i don't want to post that idea at this time. it's like me bringing up why i love christmas time when valentine's day is tomorrow. or other times when i think of a clever idea, i draft it and can't think of way to put what i am trying to say in a sentence, so i come back to it. 

so is this post going to be about writer's block? yes, it is about writer's block, and i am hoping to write another post later today. {it all just really depends on how my homework ethic is going} 

so here are my cures to blogger's block:

1. ask a friend. {and don't ask grace, because she is my personal asker.} 
2. take a nap or go to sleep and write about one of your dreams. {i always have the weirdest dreams and want to write about one one day}
3. drink coffee or hot tea {ya! get that brain flowin'!}
4. take a shower!! haha you will be surprised. 
5. read the newspaper and discuss about current events. 
6. write something someone said at school. {i love coming home from school and telling my fam something hilarious!}
7. ask an english teacher {why not, right? they may go coocoo about it, but at least try!} 
8. make a video!! {working on it people!!}
9. do something pinterest-y and then write about the experience and what ya made! {currently making a collage from things on pinterest!}
and lastly, number 10.
look things up!! there are so many superb ideas!! 

well, the bell is about to ring. i need to get home and start on some homework so i can make another post!! 

Andie :)

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