yesterday was truly the best day of my life. {go ahead, play american authors's smash hit while you're reading} last night, i was “launched” into the adult world from my church. it was the most memorable experience to join the people that i have grown up with.
the whole thing felt like a talk show; or at least one of those episodes of a tv show that it flashes everything back. definitely more like a talk show. i even walked up at the end of my video and said, “i feel like i'm ellen on her show or somethin’”.
basically, in a nutshell: we watched photo montages, a video interview of us, and listen to countless numbers of prayers as God watched over us.
after the entire thing, we took many pictures. “IS THIS WHAT BEING FAMOUS FEELS LIKE?!” i shouted out loud, but at the end of the church service today, i did feel like a celeb.
after the pictures, we were awarded with brand new bibles! and let me tell ya, they are amazin'. because number 1. my name is engraved on it so incase i forget who i am, baddabing, baddaboo. number 2. my name is spelled RIGHT. pretty rockin' if you ask me. number 3. THEY LAY FLAT my goodness i have been waitin' my whole life for a lay flat bible. ESPECIALLY after being at pc last week when the wind started to pick up. and number 4. at the end of the pages, it explains the verse or story and things. you know, if i'm all like, “huh?!” {that bear story in 2 kings last week... yep this will be useful}
so after all the tears and after all the praise and pictures, we got kidnapped into ultra amazin' SLEEPOVER! chips and dip, pizza, and s'mores, plus the people i LOVE--EVERYTHING•IS•AWESOME!
and so now i thank everyone...
jonathan slaughter, mike, lindsay, katie beth, matthew, mary, i cannot thank you guys enough. you guys have molded me into who i am this year and are amazing role models in my life. :)
juniors and everyone else: i love you guys and wish you all the best next year. i'll visit as much as i can. :)
seniors: i love seeing you guys {almost} every week. i know you guys will do some amazing things, and i love talking to you guys at sticky, or even just dissecting what we just learned. you guys mean SO much to me and i love you all so very much.

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