
Friday, October 17, 2014


 I never thought I'd say it, but among the 45,000 undergrads here at the UofA, I feel isolated. Don't get me wrong, people, I do sit next to the same exact person I did previously in each of my classes and I do have friends that I can go eat lunch with or go on a typical eegee's run with; it's just not the same as coming home to the dorm everyday and surrounding myself with others.

 Well, what do I mean by isolated?

 776 is the number of undergrads that live in my dorm, Coronado and you'd always expect their to be something or at least someone to meet your match, right? Not quite... at least for me. We're known as the "party dorm" on campus, so every Thursday, every Friday, and every Saturday we have to check in swipe in our guests and there's always some sort of cop roaming around the dorm 24/7. Call me a "party pooper" if you must, but it really gets boring around here which is why I feel isolated.

 Prior to moving into the dorms, I thought dorm life would be awesome. I thought there would be a group of people bonding in a little lounge area on my floor watching a game, I would become "BFFs" with people up and down this place, and I thought there would be much more to do. Well shucks, there are things to do, I'm just always bothering doing something else like going to class, doing homework, Skyping, or doing an extra curricular activity like Young Life {#collegestudentprobz}.

 Sunday through Tuesday, I came home to my dorm without seeing my roommate at least once. If I didn't see her during the day, I thought I would have waken up one morning and she would be dead asleep on her bed, just like how she almost is. However, I had woken up with no sign of her in the room. No music playing, no lights on in the middle of the night, no Lyv. Come Wednesday, she's in the room with her friend packing up outfits, makeup, and a couple of other necessities into a suitcase. I know she didn't like life in the dorms and I knew she was planning on not returning to them next semester so I was a little confused. She later had told me that night she got a lease at an apartment. As nice as it may sound, it's actually quite sad. There's no one to complain about going to class to, no jam seshes, no *insert thing going around campus here* drama, and no one that gets the small room you're living in as much as you do. So, yes, I do feel isolated, and I do feel like it is the worst feeling in the world, especially during my first year of college.

 Sometimes with someone in the room, even without them making a sound, relieves stress and it actually makes a person happier. I just wish I didn't feel so isolated.

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